Recurrence Expansion as a Service

The following RSCALE values are supported:

All dates must be given in Gregorian calendar scale. Results will be in Gregorian calendar scale as well.

Enter recurrence data:

Parameter Value Description
dtstart The start date (and time) of the event
rrule The recurrence rule. The format of any UNTIL part must match the format of dtstart!
skip Don't return the first <skip> instances. Default: 0
max_instances The maximum number of instances to return. Default and max: 10000
expansion_window_end The last instance to be returned: Default and max: 99991201T000000
Format must match dtstart.
rfc2445 Use RFC 2445 validation, otherwise RFC 5545 rules will be applied
Note: both modes support RSCALE
strict Use a strict parser, otherwise some errors will be ignored.
Powered by lib-recur.

Note that idle App-Engine instances may be stopped. Restarting a stopped instance may take a few seconds, so the first invocation of this service might be slower than usual.